November 2012.
While we may have varying opinions about the elections, we can all agree on some positive action for the good of Joe’s Creek: Let’s endorse continued vigilance of what is happening in the creek, to keep it clean, safe, and free of pollutants for everyone in the neighborhood.
Neighbors recently reported observing contaminants in the water of Joe’s Creek, including a milky white appearance that has occurred overnight on a number of occasions, perhaps indicative of a pattern of polluting, and in another case, an oily sheen on the water, suggestive of motor oil. Debris consisting of loose soil with broken glass and bits of pvc on the banks of the creek was also noted and reported to the city. The City of Dallas Stormwater Department assured us that they want to know about these instances, and such actions can be reported by calling 3-1-1.
The City of Dallas Stormwater page,, contains more detailed information on pollutants (did you know one quart of motor oil can contaminate 250,000 gallons of water) and also links to brochures that specify fines (of up to $2000 per occurrence) for willful discharge of pollutants into storm drains, including leaves and rubbish as well as chemicals.
We on the Creek Committee would also like to be notified, and will assist in following up with the city if needed. We can be contacted at
Vince Punaro & Rebecca Bergstresser