Zachary Peoples of Dallas Water Utilities addressed inquiries about Green Construction Codes and the sewer debris problems that have occurred in our neighborhood during record rainfall events over the past few months.
Below are some important points to know:
- Dallas Water Utilities is aware of the sewer overflows and recognize the need for sanitary sewer system improvements in our specific area.
- The 2007 Wastewater Master Plan Study recommended the replacement and upsizing of the pipeline along Joe’s Creek from Forest Lane to Northwest Highway. Construction of Phase 1 will begin late 2017, Phase 2 spring 2018 and Phase 3 fall of 2018.
- Immediately, Dallas Water Utilities will conduct an inflow and infiltration investigation consisting of an internal inspection of pipes, smoke testing, dye water testing (if required) and a general inspection of sanitary sewer. Sewer cleaning and system repairs could result. This process could take 4 to 6 weeks.
- Green Construction Codes: The City participated in development of a region-wide approach to implementing Green Infrastructure. The 1993 Drainage Manual is being updated to include pertinent information into the City’s drainage design process.
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Note: I received a notice on my door this afternoon that the sewer inspections will begin in the next few days on my street. Look for a yellow door tag on your front door for details before tests. If you didn’t get one today, keep an eye out for it.