2016 NPNA Annual Backyard Garden Tour & Plant Sale
With clouds looming, questions arose about attendance, but our neighbors and their friends prevailed. With another record attendance at our 5th annual NPNA Backyard Garden tour, it has been declared another successful neighborhood event, and provided another reason for calling Northaven Park a great place to live. In just three hours, 200 neighbors toured the twelve spectacular locations, and generously donated over $100 to help offset the event costs, plus we had several neighbors join as new NPNA members … and the best part is we had neighbors meeting neighbors, and making our community stronger!
We owe a big ‘THANK YOU’ to the following neighbors who shared and showcased their wonderful and unique spaces with our neighborhood:
- Doug & Ellen Guiling – 3855 Pallos Verdas
- Dr. Chet & Jan Mateja – 3822 Alta Vista
- Patrick Stare & Lois Ford – 11223 Dwarfs Circle
- John & Joy Waller – 3959 Courtshire
- Dennis & Claudia Barnes – 4132 Hockaday
- Hon. Ed & Barbara Foreman – 3815 Waldorf Circle
- Carroll & Linda Rogers – 11008 Rosser Road
- Dr. Stephen & Sara Harder – 11007 Candlelight Lane
- Phil & Stephanie Ritter – 10824 Aladdin Drive
- Sandra Horton – Withers Children’s Garden
- Lisa Centala – Dallas County Master Gardeners – Raincatcher’s Garden of Midway Hills
- Stan & Mary Ann Greene – The Da Vinci School Native Plant & Butterfly Garden
And to the volunteers and Plant Sale Leader, Emily McDonald, who raised over $100 dollars from selling the donated plants and seeds.
Also, a huge ‘SHOUT OUT’ to the many volunteers that helped make these events happen: Ann Irvine, Lorna Acker, Audrey Ball, Dana Cutright, Kumkum Dalal, Donna Denise, Rob & Carolyn Ennis, Melanie Frazier, Renee McKay, Eva Michaels, Gladys Pully, Claudia Reynolds, Liz Rowe, Marilyn Schiffman, Amy Shamblin, Shirley Smith, Jayne Sparrer, Mindy Stanley, Ann and Whitey Thomas, Don & Marty Judd, Joan Dolan, Lenora Volk, Becky Mayad, Gene & Flo Leslie, Deb Williams, Kathy Lewis, Beverly Merritt-Hensley, and Liz Wyand. And thanks to Ron Paschall for capturing the day in photos and to Mike Glover & Sandra Blaydes for the publicity. It really DOES take a village!
If you’re interested in having your home considered for the 2017 Garden Tour, send a message to beautification@npna.com.
Kiki Paschall, Backyard Garden Tour Event Leader & VP Events
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